Level: Intermediate - Some analytical knowledge and experience is helpful in fully understanding all of the concepts presented in this course. Recommended for 2.0 hours of CPE.

Fundamental Tools of the Trade

Regardless of how you go about improving a process, you will most likely use one or more of fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processfollowing tools:

Therefore, a solid understanding of each of these tools can help almost any process improvement project. This chapter will highlight each of these tools. And some of these tools may get applied above or belowfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess level to get a better understanding of what takes place outside the process layer withinfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processenterprise architecture:

"free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement problems that afflict modern organizations are not task problems. They are process problems. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement reason we are slow to deliver results is not that our people are performing their individual tasks slowly and inefficiently -We are slow because some of our people are performing tasks that need not be done at all to achievefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processdesired result and because we encounter agonizing delays in getting the work from fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processperson who does one task to the person who does the next one. In short, our problems lie not in performance of individual tasks and activities, the units of work, but in the processes, howfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processunits fit together in the whole." - Beyond Reengineering by Michael Hammer

SWOT Analysis

Where processes are impacted by both internal and external factors, it can be useful to apply SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT Analysis is a standard tool used by all types of analyst for identifying major strategic issues. SWOT can be used at any organizational level - function, department, group, etc. SWOT is defined as:

- Strength: Any existing or potential resource or capability withinfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processorganization that provides a competitive advantage infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processmarket.
- Weakness: Any existing or potential internal force that could serve as a barrier to maintaining or achieving a competitive advantage infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processmarket.
- Opportunity: Any existing or potential force infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processexternal environment that, if properly exploited, could provide a competitive advantage.
- Threat: Any existing or potential force infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processexternal environment that could inhibit the maintenance or attainment of a competitive advantage.
You can also fast track the assessment process by simply doing a simple T list offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processpluses and minuses.

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis is used to clearly understand what’s driving or causing a problem. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement key is to identify the factors influencingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processeffect you are starting with. One way to jump startfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processanalysis is to look at:

- 4 M’s: Methods, Manpower, Materials, Machinery
- 4 P’s: Policies, Procedures, People, Plant

Root Cause Analysis is often expressed infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processform of a fishbone diagram. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvementsteps for doing the diagram are:

1. Specifyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processeffect to be analyzed. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvementeffect can be positive (objectives) or negative (problems). Place it in a box onfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processright side of the diagram.

2. List the major categories of the factors that influencefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processeffect being studied. Use the "4 Ms" (methods, manpower, materials, machinery) or fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving process "4 Ps" (policies, procedures, people, plant) as a starting point.

3. Identify factors and sub factors. Use an idea-generating technique to identifyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processfactors and sub factors within each major category. An easy way to begin is to use the major categories as a catalyst. For example, "What policies are causing�?"

4. Identify significant factors. Look for factors that appear repeatedly and list them. Also, list those factors that have a significant effect, based onfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processdata available.

5. Prioritize your list of causes. Keep in mind thatfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processlocation of a cause in your diagram is not an indicator of its importance. A sub factor may be the root cause to all of your problems. You may also decide to collect more data on a factor that had not been previously identified.

A less formal approach to root cause analysis is to simply usefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processFive Whys technique. With each reiteration of why (say five times), you pull out additional information that possibly helps you identifyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processroot cause of a problem.

Pareto Chart

In order to focus on significant problems, you can rankfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processimportance in descending order of occurrence. This is typically done using the Pareto Chart. In order to chart problems, you must:

1. Identifyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblems that need to be ranked.
2. Use a standard measurement for ranking, such as frequency, costs, etc.
3. Determinefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processtime frame for evaluating the problems.
4. Collectfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processdata from existing reports or use new data.
5. Label the units of measure on the left vertical axis and labelfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblem areas on the horizontal axis.
6. Plot the data, showingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processdescending order from left to right.

Process Mapping

Process Mapping is regularly used to depictfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processflow of major activities within a process. Process maps range from simple block diagrams to more elaborate swim type diagrams showing the "swimming" flows to and from major functional or organizational units that play a role withinfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess.

In order to flowchart or map a process, you will need to understandfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivities, what triggersfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivity (inputs), who is involved, the sequential steps, and the outputs associated with the steps. This will require interviewing people assigned to doingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivities. You will also need to examine documents, such as desk procedures, work flow diagrams, and other documents that help describe howfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess works.

Process maps allow you to seefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbig picture, clarifying sub-processes, sequences, and activities. Process maps should be prepared showing critical information flows and different players involved. Where possible, it is useful to document cycle times in different steps; especially wait times. Once completed, you can usefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess map to answer certain critical questions:

1. Can we eliminate or reduce certain activities?
2. Can we complete the process in less time by changingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess?
3. Can we improve how we meet customer requirements by changing the process?

Finally, if you are unsure what processes to map, start with those processes that have high impact in terms of costs, time, resources consumed or waste. Core processes are sometimes easier to map due to existing documentation and easy access tofundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processinternal players as opposed to external players.


Brainstorming is used to generate ideas without any real regard forfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processmerit of the ideas. You can evaluate the ideas afterfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbrainstorming session is over. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

1. Start with a clear definition of what it is you are trying to solve.
2. Make sure everyone understandsfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblem or issue.
3. Write down all ideas and don’t judge anything submitted.
4. Give everyone a chance to participate and express opinions.
5. Try not to be too formal, but impose some structure to ensure the brainstorming session is productive.
6. Don’t get discouraged if the brainstorming session starts off slow - fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbest ideas usually get generated at the end of the session.
7. Try to write down all ideas exactly as they are submitted by participants.
8. Make sure you have a broad mix of people infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbrainstorming session - process owners, customers, vendors, subject matter experts, etc.

One offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbiggest misconceptions about brainstorming has to do with group brainstorming. Some of the best ideas come out of individual brainstorming where each individual has time to think aboutfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblem and submit comments separately. It’s also useful to have a "culture" that nourishes ideas. This provides a natural environment for highly productive brainstorming.


Storyboarding is a visual approach to brainstorming. Like brainstorming, it attempts to organize multiple ideas and concepts. Unlike brainstorming, it tends to be less structured, allowing for more open participation by anyone who can help getfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processgroup to a common idea. Storyboarding will also require that you group and categorize ideas since you want to visually show how things work. For example, you might show initial events or activities off tofundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processupper left on a large white board and then work your way down, visually showing how things flow downward.

To make sure you can storyboard, you’ll need large white boards or butcher paper as well as markers, cards, and other supplies to help illustrate your concept. Use different colors to group and organize common elements. You can take a digital photo offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processoutput and refer back to it for later development.

"A process cannot be changed unless allfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processsupporting elements are changed as well. Therefore an essential early step of a reengineering effort is to clearly identify and quantify all offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processresources in a corporation that are dedicated to each specific process." - free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement

Force Field Analysis

Force field analysis is used to visually show relationships that help or hinder a solution to a problem. Force field analysis provides a quick list of factors that influence your objective. Here arefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbasic steps:

1. Definefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblem or objective that you are analyzing.
2. Listfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processforces that impact or influence your problem. Use an idea generating technique like brainstorming.
3. Assign weights or priorities to each force on your list. Place heavier weights on those forces that havefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processhighest impact.
4. Manage based onfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processlist - try to reduce the negative forces and maximize the positive forces to solvefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproblem.
Focus your efforts on those forces that are easy to implement and yet atfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processsame time, they produce high results. Listed below is an example of how force field analysis is used to help someone stop smoking:

Value Analysis

One offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processmost important techniques for improving a process is to make a distinction between value added and non value added activities. Value analysis summarizes all activities between value added and non value added. This distinction is made as follows:

In order to organize your analysis, construct a table with three columns - listing your activities in column 1, denotingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivity as Value Added or Non-Value Added in column 2 and a description or comment on whyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivity was classified as Value Added or Non-Value Added in column 3. If possible, try to estimatefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processcosts of each activity so you can prioritize your analysis for further action. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvementgoal is to optimize the value-added activities so they are lean and reduce or eliminatefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processnon-value added activities. Listed below is an example for a Receiving Department:

Issues Analysis

It is often useful to break a problem down into components. Issue analysis is used to define fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processelements of a problem and show these elements in some logical way. This is often accomplished by using an issue tree:

You can usefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processissue tree to show sub-processes at different levels with the process or activity above flowing intofundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processlower one. Some key points to consider:

- Usefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processIssue Tree to guide you into underlying root causes.
- Look for duplication betweenfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processactivities within the Issue Tree.
- Validate relationships between problem components by involving process owners and other stakeholders.

Solutions Rating Matrix

free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvementsolution rating matrix is a process for weighing allfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processpossible solutions against a predetermined set of criteria or rules. Examples of criteria or rules for weighting include: - Ease of implementation
- Effectiveness of solution
- Probability of success
- Resistance to solution
- Cost

Make sure your weights total up to 100%. Now organize your solutions into a matrix and rate each solution on a scale from 1 to 10. Finally, you can multiplyfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processrating scores by the weighting percentages to arrive atfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processtotal score. Listed below is a simple example of a solutions matrix for deciding which automobile you should purchase. Based on five criteria, Car "B" isfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processselected choice:

Trend Analysis

One offundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processbasic tools in evaluating a process is to look at trends. Most trends are reported in a time series graph. This allows a comparison, prompting action on unfavorable trends and recognizingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processneed to adjust targets on constant favorable trends. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement basic steps for trend analysis are:

1. Select a specific process, sub-process or activity with outputs.
2. Collect the measurement data onfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processoutputs over consistent time intervals.
3. Monitor performance and see if you need to adjustfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processprocess, sub-process, or activity to change performance.

A few tips to consider when doing trend analysis:

- free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvement best outputs or measurements are usually linked to customer needs.
- Collect your measurements at good time intervals that facilitatefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processright degree of management control. Measurements that are too late are useless to managers. Constantly measuringfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processsame things over and over with no corresponding action is also useless.

Simple Example of Trend Line Analysis

Project Management

Much of the work that goes behind improving a process has to do with good project management practices. Larger type initiatives takefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processform of a formal project, especially Six Sigma type projects. Therefore, sound project management practices are extremely important for major process improvement projects. Here are some important concepts to consider:

- Define your scope for improving a project by breakingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processscope down into workable elements that you can manage. This is usually accomplished infundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processform of aWork Breakdown Structure, allowing you to delegate activities and tasks to other team members. You need this structure for managing all of the components that make up the project.
- Develop a work schedule for major milestones throughoutfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processexpected life cycle of the project. This work schedule should include your expected costs as well as anticipated start and completion dates.
- Where the stakes and costs are high, consider including a risk management plan as part of how you manage the project. free online courses to understand tools of the trade as process improvementRisk Plan should address fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving process"what if" situations that may arise during the course of fundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproject.
- Another useful plan to include is a quality assurance plan. You need to have control checks in place to make sure things are getting done right.
- Although it can be somewhat subjective, many executives will probably want some form of cost benefit analysis, showingfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processReturn on Investment for the project. It’s also useful to include a Net Present Value in your business case forfundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproject.
- After you completefundamental tools of the trade, online courses, improving processproject, you need to conduct a post implementation audit, determining if the project met its original objective and goals. You also want to flush out lessons learned for executing future projects.

NOTE: Short Course 6 provides much more in-depth coverage on project management, including information on how to build a detail project plan and measure project performance.

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