Level: Intermediate - Some analytical knowledge and experience is helpful in fully understanding all of the concepts presented in this course. Recommended for 2.0 hours of CPE.

Six Sigma

Probably Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement most popular approach to process improvement is Six Sigma. Since this short course is very limited in scope, we cannot address all of Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Six Sigma tools and techniques, but will highlightSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement basic concepts behind Six Sigma. As we discussed earlier, we want to reduce variation (improve quality) to continuously improve our processes. Six Sigma provides a methodology for getting toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement root cause of variation and reducing it. Despite what some might say, Six Sigma is not about forcing you to obtain perfection at any costs. It’s more about giving you a wide range of tools, applied in a discipline way for improving a process on a project by project basis. When applied toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement right kinds of projects, Six Sigma can yield significant results.

Project Selection

Six Sigma is executed through projects and since Six Sigma is very precise, it’s often better to start with smaller projects that have limited scope as opposed to large, organizational wide projects that are too difficult to manage. Additionally, projects need to have some justification behind being selected. So inSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement world of Six Sigma, it is very common to see a series of toll-gates or a formal business case to justifySix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement project. For example, projects will consume resources and time. There needs to be a clear payoff or return for doingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement project. Additionally, it is useful to clearly defineSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement expected impact of projects and match these impacts against critical issues confrontingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement organization. For example, a high level of customer complaints or product returns is a critical issue that might be ripe for a Six Sigma type project.

Five Phases - DMAIC

Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process life cycle of six sigma work consists of five phases:

1. Define Opportunities: What must we do to meet VOC - Voice ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Customer. In this phase, you must clearly identify your customers and analyze customer related information, translating this into Critical to Quality (CTQ). CTQ’s are requirements that your processes must perform up to if you expect to meet customer expectations. Once you understand this, then you can initiate six sigma projects to addressSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement specific performance issues.

2. Measure Performance: How much variation is taking place in our processes? In this phase, you will measure your variation in relation to an acceptable level of performance or specification limit. This is driven bySix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement characteristics of your CTQ. Certain statistical tools are used, such as sampling, frequency distribution, and control charts.

3. Analyze Opportunities: What areSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement root causes behind this variation? In this phase, you identifySix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement sources of variation. A good place to start is with a nonstatistical tool: Root Cause Analysis, includingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Five Whys. Then you can begin to use certain statistical tools, such as Analysis of Variance, to better understandSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement sources of process variation.

4. Improve Performance: What can we do to reduce this variation? Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process vital few or root sources of variation are now identified. One ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement more popular tools used for improvement is called Design of Experiments (DOE).

5. Control Performance: How can we designSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement process so that we never crossSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Upper or Lower Control Limits? This is where you sustain your desired performance levels and where practical, seek to improve it by removing more variation fromSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement process.

The Basics

Sigma is a statistical measure of process capability in relation to how much deviation takes place inSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement population of data. It measuresSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement variability of the data. For every opportunity, there is a chance we might have a defect. This is typically expressed as Defects per Million Opportunities or DPMO. Defects representSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement failure to meet customer requirements. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process higher the sigma, Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement more process outputs are able to meet customer requirements given fewer defects. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processfollowing DPMO scale is used to expressSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement different sigma levels:

For various processes, we set targets which we will call "critical to" such as Critical to Quality (CTQ). This might be making pizzas in our pizza restaurant that are produced in 8 minutes. Each time we bake a pizza, there is some variation from this target of 8 minutes. If we plot each of these bake times, we can showSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement distribution on a graph. Additionally, our customers are willing to accept pizzas baked in 10 minutes, but likewise it takes us at least 6 minutes to put allSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement ingredients together for bakingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement pizza. These limits represent the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit (LSL) within our distribution. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process goal is to "control" what happens within this range and when we bakeSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement pizza at exactly 8 minutes, we have Six Sigma quality - zero deviation from standard. As we get better and better at our baking process, we start to narrowSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement range, USL and LSL, so thatSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement normal distribution curve becomes tighter. This is how we express continuous improvement in the world of Six Sigma.


Critical to Quality is customer driven and so we have to tap intoSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer to understand our requirements (CTQ). Six Sigma (as well as lean) requires that you are listening to the Voice ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Customer or VOC. InSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement world of Six Sigma, you are "insync" with VOC when you:

1. Provide a 100% solution toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer’s problem.
2. Minimal effort involved - not wastingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer’s time and efforts.
3. Giving the customer exactly what they need - no compromises.
4. Provide the value whereSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer wants it.
5. Provide the value whenSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer wants it.
6. CompressSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement decision making process for the customer - make it easy for the customer to reachSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement decision.

This is perhaps one ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement biggest reasons why Six Sigma and Lean have become so popular - Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement bar has been raised in terms of customer satisfaction. Additionally, any variation from the target increases costs. So Six Sigma is not just about improving quality and lowering costs, but also about customer satisfaction. Finally, there are two dimensions to CTQ - Customer driven CTQ’s coming from our external customers and process driven CTQ’s coming from our internal customers.

"There is a parable of the three blind men andSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement elephant. Each is asked to identify what they are touching. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processfirst touches the tusk of Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement elephant and identifies he is touching a spear. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processsecond touchesSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement torso and claims what he is touching is a wall. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processthird touchesSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement tail and think it’s a snake. This parable parallels Six Sigma. As its popularity has grown, different experts have marketed Six Sigma to fit their needs, not necessarily that of their customers. Of course, Six Sigma includes significant amounts of statistical tools. But many see Six Sigma as only statistics. They are wrong. Touch part ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement work that constitutes Six Sigma and it will look eerily similar to other quality approaches. Touch another part of Six Sigma and it only vaguely resembles a quality approach at all." - Six Sigma Execution by George Eckes

The Six Sigma Equation

Six Sigma begins with a simple equation that says - All outcomes areSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement result of inputs and Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement process that acts on these inputs may introduce errors. Errors create variation and in the world of Six Sigma, variation is everything. This equation is expressed as:

Y = f (X) + E

Y: Desired outcome
f: Activities and Functions that convert inputs to outcomes
X: Inputs that are needed to produceSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement desired outcome
E: Errors

If we go back to our pizza example, we bake pizzas with different outcomes or Y’s. Several different inputs are required before we can bakeSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement pizza - preparing the pie crust (input material), having cooks put all of the ingredients together (input labor) and using an oven (input equipment) to bakeSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement pizza. All of these inputs areSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement X’s in our equation and we must measure these inputs (X’s) to get a profile of how our process performs in relation to our targeted performance.

Statistical Concepts

One ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement attractions behind Six Sigma has to do with statistics. Statistics removes much of Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement subjectivity that often plagues other forms of analysis. Opinions and speculation are replaced by applying statistical concepts to data. Some of these statistical concepts include:

1. Mean and Standard Deviation: Expressing process performance begins with the Mean and Standard Deviation. Mean representsSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement average of your sample values; sum of all values divided by the number of observations in your sample. Standard Deviation isSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement spread of data aroundSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement mean. Standard Deviation is calculated by going through the following steps:

a. CalculateSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement difference from the mean for each observation.
b. Take Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement square of each difference.
c. Sum all of your square values and divide by the number of observations less 1. NOTE: When calculatingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement standard deviation for a sample (as opposed to the entire population), the number of observations is reduced by 1. This tends to improveSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement calculation so that the standard deviation of the sample is as close to the entire population as possible. It is rare that we will be measuringSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement entire population.
d. TakeSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement square root of your value from step c (variance). This gives you the standard deviation.

Let’s go back to our pizza example. Suppose we made 6 observations of how long it takes to bake pizza. Our upper control limit is 8 minutes; i.e. we don’t want to take more than 8 minutes to bake pizzas. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processresults of our six observations are:

2. Sigma Value: After calculatingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Mean and Standard Deviation, you need to express this performance related to CTQ - customer requirements. This is done by calculating the Sigma Value (sometimes calledSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement Z-Score) which represents the number of standard deviations fromSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement mean. However, in order for this to work we need a normal distribution of data. So it’s useful to do a histogram and plot your data, observing the curve or frequency distribution of your observations.

3. t test: Since we use samples to represent populations, we will most likely not know the standard deviation ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement population. And when our sample size is small (less than 30 observations), we can use Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement t test to help us with a hypothesis test about the characteristics associated withSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement population.

4. F test: We may want to take samples from different segments ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement population, such as sampling only cheese pizzas, then sampling deluxe pizzas to see if this yields different results. You can use the F test to help understand differences in standard deviations between samples taken from different populations.

5. ANOVA: Used to conduct hypothesis testing when you have two or more groups of data. Like the t-test,Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement purpose of ANOVA is to test the equality of the means betweenSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement data groups. When you test and analyze only one variable (such as oven temperature in baking our pizzas), this is a One-Way ANOVA. If we tested two factors (such as oven temperature and dough texture of pizzas), this would be Two-Way ANOVA. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processtesting of a combination of factors simultaneously in one test is referred to as a factorial experiment.

Design of Experiments (DOE)

Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processnumber of inputs can be numerous (people, materials, equipment, technology, practices, methods, applications, etc.), making our six sigma equation look like:

Y = f (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18, X19, X20)
What we really need to do is find out which of these inputs (X) is havingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement most influence on our outcome (Y). By focusing on the "vital few" input variables, we gain control over the process. A series of different controlled experiments will get us toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement vital few. Experiments are managed based on:

1. Factors: Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process possible X’s in our equation
2. Levels: Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process range of values for each factor
3. Main Effects: Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process change in Y from our experiment as we change our factor (X) from the lowest level toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement highest level.
Factors areSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement independent variable and we want to quantify the impact on Y (response variable). In our pizza example, we might include these factors to help us understand variation in baking pizzas:

Each combination is an equation, contained within a matrix for all factors in our experiment. In order to getSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement most information, a full matrix is needed which contains all possible combinations of factors and levels. If this creates too many experimental runs, fractions ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement matrix can be taken.

"Probably few people know exactly what is meant by quality. Quality actually has different dimensions, which are all considered by consumers purchasing products. Although we as consumers may not know precisely what we mean by quality, we all recognize quality when we see it." - Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process Myths of Japanese Quality by Ray and Cindelyn Eberts

Design for Six Sigma

Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process "DMAIC" approach to Six Sigma seeks to improve existing processes. However, this is only half of Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement six sigma management process. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve process other half is to design and develop new processes to improve how we meet customer expectations. This is called Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). DFSS is used under two circumstances: Existing processes cannot be improved or a process to meet CTQ does not exist. Some ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement tools used in DFSS type projects include:

1. Quality Function Deployment (QFD): A methodology for identifying and categorizing customer requirements into a matrix. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processmatrix prioritizes customer expectations on a scale from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). Causeeffect requirements are also ranked; i.e. what is the correlation between a customer requirement and customer satisfaction. This isSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement "roof" matrix that sits on top ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement main house matrix. Depending upon your approach, QFD may include several matrixes for capturing important relationships:

2. Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA): Analytical approach directed toward problem prevention through which every possible failure mode is identified and risk rated. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processbasic steps for FMEA are:

a. Identify various failure modes (spoiled materials, labor input mistakes, flawed method, equipment failure, etc.)
b. IdentifySix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement effects
c. Determine the impact
d. IdentifySix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement causes
e. Determine the probability of occurrence
f. Assess current control processes in place
g. EvaluateSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement ability to detect the failure mode
h. Assign a risk rating (A x B x C) relative to:

A: Severity of Impact - On a scale of 1 to 10, rateSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement seriousness of the effect from the failure mode with 10 as catastrophic and 1 no impact.
B: Probability of Occurrence - Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processlikelihood that a cause and failure mode will occur with 10 as failure is certain and 1 is highly unlikely.
C: Ability to Detect - Rating your ability to detectSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement failure mode before putting the product into production or delivering it toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement customer. A rating of 10 indicates that you cannot detect the failure and 1 is where you have good controls in place to pickup the failure.

i. Take corrective actions on those failure modes with high risk ratings. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processresults of your FMEA can be summarized on a worksheet.

3. Poka Yoke: Mistake proofing a product or service. Errors lead to defects and if you can catch the errors earlier, then you reduceSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement defects. Certain work conditions tend to introduce errors: Adjustments, Infrequent Activities, Rapid Repetition Involved, and High Volume Loads with Compressed Time Frames. Once you’ve identified the error prone conditions, drill down toSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement root causes and see if you can design an error proof way of doingSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement work.

"A very few American companies are counted amongSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement world-class leaders in quality management. But thousands upon thousands of other companies have yet to take that all important first step to ensure their products and services deliver to each customer a dependable high level of quality. Six Sigma is one of the best tools used to improve processAmerican economy will either fully integrate itself into new and evolving global markets, or large parts of it are likely to be left behind as foreign competitors absorb greater and greater shares ofSix Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement only market that really matters anymore: Six Sigma, online course, process organization, improvement global market."
- Quality in America: How to Implement a Competitive Quality Program by V. Daniel Hunt

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